  • Public
  • Public/Protected
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The labelingInfo object specifies the label definition for a layer.

Part of the Esri web map specification. See https://developers.arcgis.com/web-map-specification/objects/labelingInfo/.


  • LabelingInfo



Optional allowOverrun

allowOverrun: boolean
Specifies whether or not a label can overrun the geometry feature being labeled. Only applicable to labels for lines or polygons.

Optional deconflictionStrategy

deconflictionStrategy: "dynamic" | "none" | "static"

Specifies the approach to use for deconflicting labels with this class.

Optional fieldInfos

fieldInfos: FieldInfo[]

An array of objects providing formatting information for the label field.

Optional labelExpression

labelExpression: string

This read-only web map property allows formatting of labels. Use labelExpressionInfo instead.

Optional labelExpressionInfo

labelExpressionInfo: object

This object allows label text to be read similar to that of the popupInfo's description property. 'expression' is an Arcade expression evaluating to either a string or a number.

Type declaration

  • Optional expression?: string
  • Optional value?: string

Optional labelPlacement

labelPlacement: string

This string property specifies the label placement with respect to that of its feature.

Optional lineConnection

lineConnection: "minimizeLabels" | "none" | "unambiguousLabels"

Specifies the approach to use for connecting line labels with this class.

Optional maxScale

maxScale: number

Represents the maximum scale at which the layer definition will be applied.

Optional minScale

minScale: number

Represents the minimum scale at which the layer definition will be applied.

Optional multiPart

multiPart: "labelLargest" | "labelPerFeature" | "labelPerPart" | "labelPerSegment"

Specifies the approach to use for labeling parts and segments of geometries.

Optional name

name: string

The name of the label class.

Optional priority

priority: number

The priority of the label class relative to other label classes. Numbers are positive with 0 being the most important and higher numbers being less important.

Optional removeDuplicates

removeDuplicates: "all" | "featureType" | "labelClass" | "none"

Specifies whether or not to remove duplicates.

Optional removeDuplicatesDistance

removeDuplicatesDistance: number

The screen distance in points to remove duplicates within. The value 0 is a special value and indicates to remove duplicates for the entire extent.

Optional repeatLabel

repeatLabel: boolean

A boolean value indicating whether or not to repeat the label along the feature. If true, the label will be repeated according to the repeatLabelDistance.

Optional repeatLabelDistance

repeatLabelDistance: number

The repeat label distance used when repeatLabel is true. It represents a screen distance in points.

Optional stackAlignment

stackAlignment: "dynamic" | "textSymbol"

This string property indicates whether or not to derive stacking from the text symbol or have dynamic stacking based on the relative position of the label to the feature.

Optional stackLabel

stackLabel: boolean

Boolean value indicating whether or not to stack labels for this label class.

Optional symbol

symbol: TextSymbol

The text symbol used to label.

Optional useCodedValues

useCodedValues: boolean

Boolean value indicating whether to display the coded values for the specified field name(s).

Optional where

where: string

String template used to determine which features to label.