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The base interface for the "BufferGeometry" and "BufferGeometries" command arguments. Note: Either the bufferDistance/buffeerUnit combination or the sourceCommand must be specified. Explicitly specifying buffer unit/distance will override source.




Optional bufferDistance

bufferDistance: number

The distance to buffer.

Optional bufferId

bufferId: string

The id for the buffer operation. Can be used to track buffer events and compare them with original requests.

Optional bufferSpatialReference

bufferSpatialReference: SpatialReference

The spatial reference to buffer in.

Optional bufferUnit

bufferUnit: string

The unit to buffer in. Will accept any standard geometry service constant or "feet", "meter", "kilometer", "mile", "nauticalmile" or "yard".

Optional callback

callback: function

The callback to fire on successful completion of the buffer operation.

Type declaration

Optional errback

errback: function

The callback to fire on buffering error.

Type declaration

Optional geodesic

geodesic: boolean

Whether or not geodesic measurements should be applied for buffering. If the input coordinate system is geographic, this must be set to true.

Optional outSpatialReference

outSpatialReference: SpatialReference

The spatial reference to return the geometries in.

Optional sourceCommand

sourceCommand: string

The source command that's calling this buffer request. If source command is specified settings as configured in the buffer module will be used for the buffer operation unless bufferDisance and bufferUnit are explicitly set.

Optional unionResults

unionResults: boolean

Whether or not to union the results as a single geometry. Might be multipart.

Optional writeToMarkupLayer

writeToMarkupLayer: boolean

Write buffer to markup layer for later use