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Represents a MapService bundled for exporting to Essentials for rendering/printing.


  • ExportMapService



Optional drawingInfo

drawingInfo: any

Arbitrary drawing info for consumption by Essentials.

Optional featureCollection

featureCollection: ExportFeatureCollection

A collection representing layers to export and print and the feature graphics they contain.

Optional gdbVersion

gdbVersion: string

The specific version of the layer if set.


id: string

The ID of the corresponding MapService.

Optional layerDefinition

layerDefinition: any

Layer definition for the layers belonging to the MapService.

Optional layerType

layerType: string

Optional layers

layers: any

A representation of the added dynamic or feature layers.

Optional mapServiceId

mapServiceId: string

The ID of an essentials map service populated based on the attributionDataUrl property.

Optional maxScale

maxScale: number

The maximum scale a layer can be visible at.

Optional minScale

minScale: number

The minimum scale a layer can be visible at.


opacity: number

Opacity to render the MapService with, ranging from 0 to 1, where 0 is completely transparent and 1 is fully opaque.

Optional serverType

serverType: string

The server type for a Bing service.

Optional token

token: string

The service token if one exists.

Optional type

type: string

The map service type that this represents.

Optional url

url: string

The URL of the corresponding MapService.

Optional visibility

visibility: boolean

The visibility of the corresponding MapService. Set to true is the service is visible, and false if not.

Optional visibleLayers

visibleLayers: number[]

IDs of any visible layers belonging to the service.

Optional where

where: string

A WHERE clause representing the layer's definition expression.