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commandsMetadata: CommandMetadata[]

A collection of metadata for the known commands * This should be updated whenever you add a new command.** NOTE: This metadata is used by the management pack to suggest command names and values for command parameters. Hence: 1) Mark commands that do not make sense to be configured via the management pack as private. For instance, if a command takes in a feature, it's unlikely that it can be configured from the management pack - though it's theoretically possible. Mark it as private. On the other hand, it may make sense to include a command that takes in an extent - since it may be practically possible to configure this from the management pack. 2) We DON'T support commands with multiple input parameters anymore - only ones that take in a complex object with multiple parameters. Mark as private. 3) This may mean that the metadata is not 100% accurate with respect to the actual command signature. For example, "Alert" takes in one required string parameter and two optional string parameters. However, since we dont support multiple parameters in commands anymore, we'll just let the user think it takes in one required string parameter (as far as the configuration experience from the management pack is concerned).


Private metadataForCommandName

  • Returns the metadata for a given command name, or null if one is not found


    • commandName: string

      The name of the command of interest

    Returns CommandMetadataDescriptor

    Object representing command metadata

Private publicCommands

  • Returns the metadata for a given command name, or null if one is not found

    Returns CommandMetadata[]