Distribute an App

The process you follow to distribute your Mobile app depends on the types of device you plan to use it on, your users, and your organization. The following lists are suggestions for what you may want to do.

Before you can distribute the app, you need to build it to create a file with settings that apply to your particular app and the device it will be on.

Android (.zip)

The Android version of the app is distributed as a .zip file as it contains the following files:

Use the .apk if you want to:

Use the .aab if you want to:

iOS (.ipa)

The file extension for iOS apps is .ipa.

You could use any of the following to distribute the file: 

Windows (.zip)

The Windows version of the app is distributed as a .zip file as it contains a dependencies folder. Inside the zip file is an .appxbundle, which is the app file.

You could use any of the following to distribute the file: 

If you need assistance with mobile app deployment, you can contact VertiGIS Studio Services for help.