IQueryTask Interface
Interface for Form Items that use a query task to get their data.

Namespace: Geocortex.Forms.Client.Items
Assembly: Geocortex.EssentialsWpfApi (in Geocortex.EssentialsWpfApi.dll) Version: 2.19.1
public interface IQueryTask

The IQueryTask type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFilterByInputGeometry
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the query should use the input geometry (if any) to filter the results.
Public propertyProxyUrl
Gets or sets a proxy address which mediates access to secure ArcGIS servers.
Public propertyQueryCascadingID
Gets or sets the ID of the control that will filter the query.
Public propertyQueryDisplayOutputField
Gets or sets the output field that will be used as display in a Form item.
Public propertyQueryServiceUrl
Gets or sets the URL to the ESRI Query Task.
Public propertyQueryValueOutputField
Gets or sets the output field that will be used as result value when an item is selected.
Public propertyQueryWhereClause
Gets or sets the where clause of the query.
Public propertySupportsCascadingTarget
Gets a value indicating whether this form item supports being the target of a cascading query.
Public propertySupportsValueField
Gets a value indicating whether this form item supports the use of a value field in the query.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a token to access secure ArcGIS servers.
See Also