Add Services to the Map

To add a service to the map, Manager must be able to connect to the service—you cannot add a map service when the service is offline. The exception is when the service connection has a catalog or index to search, such as ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Online have. In this case, Manager searches the catalog or index, not the service.

If a service is secured, you must add a service connection before you can add the service to the map. Depending on the type of service, the service connection can be for the service itself, for a catalog that contains the service, or for the server that hosts the service.

You cannot add service connections for KML layers or GeoRSS layers. Essentials supports public KML and GeoRSS layers only. To add a KML or GeoRSS layer to the map, you must enter the layer's URL.

See also...

ArcGIS Tables

Ways to Add Map Services

There are different ways to add a service to the map:

Add a Service by Browsing Service Connections

To use this method, you must first add a service connection. You cannot use this method to add KML or GeoRSS layers to the map, because they do not have service connections.

To add a service to the map by browsing the service connections:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. Click Add Map Service, and then click the Service Connections tab.

  3. Browse the service connections:

    • Click the Expand icon  to show the contents of a service connection, including the layers within each service.

      Click the Collapse icon  to hide the contents.

    • Select a service or layer in the service connections to see a preview, if a preview is available. You can navigate the preview. Click and drag in the preview frame to pan the preview. To zoom, use your mouse's scroll wheel or the zoom control in the preview pane.

      If there is nothing to display at the given scale, the preview is blank. You can still add the service to the map when the preview is blank. For WMS services, the preview is blank until you turn on some layers.

    • Position the pointer over More Details to see additional details about the selected service or layer, such as the spatial reference.

    • Click  to open the ArcGIS Services Directory for the selected ArcGIS Server service, catalog, or layer. The Directory opens in a new browser window or tab.

  4. When you find a service or layer that you want to add to the map, select it in the service connections.

    Depending on the type of service or layer you selected, one or two Add buttons will display.

    If the Add button is not available, you have selected something that cannot be added to the map, such as a folder.

    For WMS map services, you can set the default visibility of the layers using the es in the service connection. Alternatively, you can set the default visibility after you have added the service.

  5. If you want to use the map service as a basemap, select the Add as Basemap checkbox. To use the map service as an operational layer, clear the Add as Basemap checkbox.

    If there is no Add as Basemap checkbox, the type of map service or layer that you are adding cannot be used as a basemap.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • If you selected a layer from an ArcGIS feature server, click Add as Feature Layer.

    • If you selected a layer from an ArcGIS map service, you can add it as a map service or as a feature layer:

      • If you are not going to configure any of the additional features that are available only for feature layers, such as charting, clustering, or heat maps, select Add as Map Service.

      • If you want to be able to configure one or more of the additional features that are available only for feature layers, such as charting, clustering, or heat maps, select Add as Feature Layer.

    • Otherwise, there is only one button—Add to Map. Click the button.

    The dialog box closes and the service is added to the list of services in the map.

  7. Click Save Site.

Add a Service by Searching Service Connections

To use this method, you must first add a service connection. You cannot use this method to add KML or GeoRSS layers to the map, because they do not have service connections.

To add a service to the map by searching service connections:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. Click Add Map Service.

  3. On the Search tab, enter the text that you want to search for in the Search box. For example, enter the name of the service.

  4. Click the Search tool.

  5. If Essentials is registered with ArcGIS Online, and you want to search only your organization's content, select the Limit ArcGIS Online results to your organization checkbox.

    If you clear the checkbox, Manager searches both your organization's content and public ArcGIS Online content belonging to other organizations.

  6. Browse the search results:

    • Click the  Expand icon to show the search results from a particular type of service connection.

      Click the  Collapse icon to hide the expanded search results.

    • Click the Expand icon to show items within a search result. For example, you can show the layers in a map service.

      Click the Collapse icon next to an expanded result to hide the items within.

    • Select a service or layer in the search results to see a preview, if a preview is available.

      You can navigate the preview. Click and drag in the preview frame to pan the preview. To zoom, use your mouse's scroll wheel or the zoom control in the preview pane.

      If there is nothing to display at the given scale, the preview is blank. You can still add the service to the map when the preview is blank. For WMS services, the preview is blank until you turn on some layers.

    • Position the pointer over More Details to see additional details about the selected service or layer, such as the spatial reference.

  7. When you find a map service, layer or table that you want to add to the map, select it in the search results. Depending on the type of service or layer you selected, one or two Add buttons will display.

    If the Add button is not available, you have selected something that cannot be added to the map, such as a folder.

    If you are adding a WMS map service, you can set the default visibility of the layers using the checkboxes in the search result. Alternatively, you can set the default visibility after you have added the service.

  8. If you want to use the map service as a basemap, select the Add as Basemap checkbox. To use the map service as an operational layer, clear the Add as Basemap checkbox.

    If there is no Add as Basemap checkbox, the type of map service or layer that you are adding cannot be used as a basemap.

  9. Do one of the following:

    • If you selected a feature layer from an ArcGIS feature server, the button says Add as Feature Layer.

      Click the button.

    • If you selected a feature layer from an ArcGIS map service, there are two buttons:

      • If you are not going to configure any of the additional features that are available only for feature layers, such as charting, clustering, or heat maps, select Add as Map Service.

      • If you want to be able to configure one or more of the additional features that are available only for feature layers, such as charting, clustering, or heat maps, select Add as Feature Layer.

    • Otherwise, there is only one button—Add to Map. Click the button.

    The dialog box closes and the map service is added to the list of map services in the map. If you added the map service as a basemap, a basemap containing the map service is created on Manager's Basemaps page.

  10. Click Save Site.

Add a Service by Specifying the URL

You must use this method to add GeoRSS and KML layers.

To add a service to the map by specifying the service's URL:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. Click Add Map Service, and then click the Search tab.

  3. On the Search tab, type or paste the URL for a map service or for a catalog of map services in the Search box.

    The URL that you enter must not contain any URL parameters. For example, remove the ?request=GetCapabilities parameter from before you enter the URL.

  4. Click the Search tool.

  5. In the Search Results, select the map service, layer, or table that you want to add to the map.

    Depending on the type of service or layer you selected, one or two Add buttons will display.

    If you are adding a WMS map service, you can set the default visibility of the layers using the checkboxes in the search result. Alternatively, you can set the default visibility after you have added the service.

  6. If you want to use the map service as a basemap, select the Add as Basemap checkbox. To use the map service as an operational layer, clear the Add as Basemap checkbox.

    If there is no Add as Basemap checkbox, the type of map service or layer that you are adding cannot be used as a basemap.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • If you selected a feature layer from an ArcGIS feature server, the button says Add as Feature Layer.

      Click the button.

    • If you selected a feature layer from an ArcGIS map service, there are two buttons:

      • If you are not going to configure any of the additional features that are available only for feature layers, such as charting, clustering, or heat maps, select Add as Map Service.

      • If you want to be able to configure one or more of the additional features that are available only for feature layers, such as charting, clustering, or heat maps, select Add as Feature Layer.

    • Otherwise, there is only one button—Add to Map. Click the button.

    The dialog box closes and the map service is added to the list of map services in the map. If you added the map service as a basemap, a basemap containing the map service is created on Manager's Basemaps page.

  8. Click Save Site.

Import Map Services from Another Site

You can import multiple services to the map at one time. The services can be different types. For example, you could import two ArcGIS map services, a GeoRSS service, and five feature layers at one time.

To import map services from another site:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. Click Import Map Service.

  3. Select the site that contains the services you want to import, and then click Next.

  4. Select the services that you want to import.

    To select a service, click on it in the Services list. To select multiple services, hold the Ctrl key down and click each service, or hold the Shift key down to select services that are beside each other in the list.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Finish.

  7. Click Apply Changes.

View a List of a Map Service's Layers

To view a map service's layers In Manager:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. Click the Map Services tab.

    You can also see layers on the Layer List tab, but depending on how the Layer List is configured, the list might not be complete.

  3. Click the Expand icon beside the map service whose layers you want to see.