Map Service Changes

For saved projects to preserve settings such as layer visibility, your map document (.mxd file) must assign unique IDs for map service publishing. To do so, open your map document in ArcMap, right-click the map, select Data Frame Properties, select Allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for map service publishing, save and publish the map service.

When you open a site, Manager checks for any changes to its underlying map services. It is important to avoid editing a site while modifying its underlying map services with, for example, ArcGIS software. You should close a site before editing its underlying map services and only edit the site after you have completed modifying its underlying map services.

After modifying any underlying map services of a site, you should refresh the site's cache so that Essentials becomes aware of the changes. Be aware that modifying a site's underlying map services may cause the following effects:

Possible Effects of Map Service Changes


Possible Effects

Recommended Actions

An underlying map service is added.

  • None.

  • Edit the site and add the map service if necessary.

An underlying map service is removed.

  • By default, the viewer warns the user the map service is unavailable. However, the service failure action is configurable.

  • Any replacement tokens and workflows that depend on the map service, its layers or attributes may not work properly.

  • The layer list may contain empty folders.

  • The map service is not available in saved projects.

  • Edit the site and remove the missing map service when prompted.

  • Fix any replacement tokens and workflows that depend on the missing map service.

  • Ensure the layer list does not contain empty folders.


An underlying map service is renamed.

  • Has similar effects to when a map service is removed and added.

  • By default, the viewer warns the user the map service is unavailable. However, the service failure action is configurable.

  • Any replacement tokens and workflows that depend on the map service, its layers or attributes may not work properly.

  • The map service is not available in saved projects.

  • Edit the site and match the map service to the renamed map service when prompted.

  • Fix any replacement tokens and workflows that depend on the renamed map service.

An underlying layer is added.


  • If the site is not inherited by another site, no effect occurs other than outdating your site cache.

  • If the site is inherited by another site, after adding the layer in Manager, the inheriting site's layer list may contain empty folders.

  • Edit the site and add the layer if necessary. If the new layer is part of a group layer, the layer is added automatically.

  • After the layer is added in Manager, if the site is inherited by another site, the inheriting site's layer list may need to be reconfigured.

An underlying layer is removed.

  • The layer is no longer available in the viewer.

  • Any replacement tokens and workflows that depend on the layer or its attributes may not work properly.

  • The layer list may contain empty folders.

  • The layer is not available in saved projects.

  • Edit the site and remove the missing layer when prompted.

  • Fix any workflows that depend on the missing layer.

  • Ensure the layer list does not contain empty folders.

An underlying layer is renamed.

  • Has similar effects to when a layer is removed and added.

  • The layer is no longer available in the viewer.

  • Any replacement tokens and workflows that depend on the layer or its attributes may not work properly.

  • The layer is not available in saved projects.

  • Edit the site and match the layer to the renamed layer when prompted.

  • Fix any workflows that depend on the renamed layer.

An underlying layer is moved from one group layer to another.

  • Has similar effects to when a layer is renamed.

  • The layer is no longer available in the viewer.

  • Any replacement tokens and workflows that depend on the layer or its attributes may not work properly.

  • The layer is not available in saved projects.

  • Edit the site and remove the missing layer from the old group layer when prompted. If the new group layer is already included in your site, ensure the moved layer is automatically added. If the new group layer is not included in your site, add the new group layer if necessary.

  • Fix any workflows that depend on the moved layer.

An underlying field is added.

  • None, other than outdating your site cache.

  • Edit the site and add the new field if necessary. If no field configuration previously existed, the field is added automatically.

An underlying field is removed.

  • The field is no longer available in the viewer.

  • Reload the site cache, or edit and save the site. The field and any configuration for it is removed.

An underlying field is renamed.

  • Has similar effects to when a field is removed and added.

  • The field is no longer available in the viewer.

  • Edit the site and add the renamed field if necessary. If no field configuration previously existed, the field is added automatically.