Map Export

The Map Export feature allows end users to export the current map image to a file. Users can select the file format to export to. The following file formats can be exported:

You can allow users to export georeference data with BMP, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF images. GeoTIFF images always includes georeference data. Essentials does not support the export of georeference data with PDFs. The Export tool is available on a viewer's default toolbars, and it can be added or removed from the viewer's Management Pack. You can also create menu items, hyperlinks, or workflows that export the map image using the ShowExportMapDialog command.

Map Export Settings

The Map Export feature has the following settings:

To configure map export settings for HTML5 viewers:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, click GIS Services in the side panel, and then click the Export tab.

  2. Configure the settings.

  3. Click Apply Changes.

    Your configuration applies to all of the HTML5 viewers in the site.