Layer Hyperlinks

Layer hyperlinks are links to web pages that are relevant to the layer. They give the end user easy access to information related to the current layer. For example, if a layer has a metadata URL, you could create a layer hyperlink that points to it.

Layer hyperlinks configured for image services are not supported in the HTML5 Viewer.

Layer hyperlinks appear in the Layer Actions menu. To open the Layer Actions menu, the user clicks the Layer Actions icon Layer Actions menu icon next to the layer in the Layer List.

Layer hyperlinks can be static URIs, or they can be generated at runtime in the viewer. Generating the URI at run time makes it possible to build URIs that contain values specific to the selected layer. This is done by including layer tokens into the configured URI. Layer tokens are replaced at runtime with the value of the property for the selected layer. Layer tokens can also be used in the hyperlink's text and tool tip.

Layer hyperlinks can be configured for individual layers (see Example 1), or they can be configured at the level of the parent map service (see Example 2). Adding a layer hyperlink to the map service makes the link available on each layer in the service.

Example 1: Link to an Individual Layer's Metadata

Suppose your site's Parcels layer has metadata that you want to make available to end users. You configure a layer hyperlink like the one shown below.

Configuration of a layer hyperlink to display layer metadata

The user clicks the Parcels layer in the Layer List to open the layer's context menu. The layer hyperlink is in the context menu with other layer-specific information and actions.

Layer hyperlink in the Parcels layer's context menu, and its metadata in a new window

Example 2: Link to the Metadata for Every Layer in a Map Service

Suppose you want every layer in a map service to have a link to its metadata. Configuring a layer hyperlink for every layer is tedious and time consuming. Instead, add the layer hyperlink to the map service. This makes the hyperlink available on every layer in the map service and saves a lot of configuration.

The approach in this example requires consistency:

See the configuration for the layer hyperlink is shown below. Each layer generates unique text, URIs, and other layer-specific values thanks to the configured client token {LayerName}.

Configuration for a layer hyperlink that applies to all layers

As a result of this configuration, each layer links to an HTML file with the metadata for that layer. Here is a description of the result:

See also...

Feature Hyperlinks

Layer Hyperlink Settings

Layer hyperlinks have the following settings:

Add a Layer Hyperlink

To add a layer hyperlink:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. To add the hyperlink to all the layers in a map service, edit the map service.

    To add the hyperlink to a single layer, edit the layer.

  3. Click the Layer Hyperlinks tab.

  4. Click Add Layer Hyperlink.

  5. Configure the settings.

  6. Click OK.

To reorder list items, click and drag the  Sort handle Click and drag to change the order.