
Pushpins are not currently supported in the Handheld interface. Adding pushpin configuration to the Handheld configuration file has no effect.

The Pushpins page in Manager includes settings that control the appearance of pushpins that appear on the map. When pushpins are visible, they are placed in the center of a feature, subject to any configured offset.

Pushpins are visible for a point feature when:

Pushpins are visible for a line and/or polygon feature when:

Otherwise, the feature is highlighted in yellow. If you place the pointer on a specific item in the list, the highlight color changes to blue on the map.

In the following example, a search for “smith” results in a list of street names, and their locations are highlighted in yellow on the map. Since the scale of the map does not show sufficient detail for the listed items, a pushpin identifies the location of the feature when the pointer is placed on that item in the list, and the highlight color changes to blue.

Highlighted line features and a pushpin on the map for the item in focus in the list

When the map zoom level is increased, the features remains highlighted in yellow. When focus is placed on the item in the list, the highlight color for that item changes to blue on the map, however a pushpin does not appear.

Feature on the map highlighted in yellow for the entry in the list

Feature on the map highlighted in blue when focus is on the entry in the list

If you add markup to a map that has pushpins displayed, the markup appears behind the pushpins by design.

Pushpins are supported with geocoders and workflows.

Open the Pushpins Page

To open an HTML5 viewer's Pushpins page in Manager:

  1. In Geocortex Essentials Manager, edit the viewer that you want to configure—edit the site that the viewer belongs to, click Viewers in the side panel, and then click the Edit icon beside the viewer.

  2. In the side panel, click Pushpins.

    The Pushpins page opens.

Pushpin Settings

The Pushpins page has the following settings:

See also...

Map Tips