Map Widgets

The Map Widgets page in Manager has settings for:

Open the Map Widgets Page

To open an HTML5 viewer's Map Widgets page in Manager:

  1. In Geocortex Essentials Manager, edit the viewer that you want to configure—edit the site that the viewer belongs to, click Viewers in the side panel, and then click the Edit icon beside the viewer.

  2. In the side panel, click Map Widgets.

Bookmarks Settings

The Bookmarks map widget has the following settings:

Scale Bar Settings

By default, the scale bar appears at the bottom left of the map. The Scale Bar map widget has the following settings:

See also...

Scalebar Module

Scale Input Box Settings

The Scale Input map widget allows users to choose the scale of the map.

Scale input box

If it is enabled, the Scale Input map widget can be toggled by the scale input button at the bottom left of the map.

Scale input button

The Scale Input Box map widget has the following settings:

The Scale Input map widget is visible if both Show Scale Input Box and Open By Default checkboxes are selected. For example, if you select the Open By Default checkbox but leave the Show Scalebar Input Box deselected, the Scale Input map widget is hidden.

See also...

Scalebar Module

Overview Map Settings

The overview map appears at the bottom right of the map.

Example of an overview map

The Overview Map widget has the following settings:

See also...

OverviewMap Module

Overview Map

Map Coordinates Settings

The map coordinates show the position of the mouse pointer. By default, the coordinates appear at the bottom left of the map, beside the scale bar:

Map coordinates with the coordinate system menu open

Map coordinates settings are in the Mouse Coordinates section of the Map Widgets page.

The Map Coordinates widget has the following settings:

The Map Coordinates map widget is only available for the Desktop interface.

See also...

Coordinates Module

Time Slider Settings

The Time Slider map widget appears in the viewer when a time-aware layer has been configured in Manager.

Time slider map widget

The Time Slider map widget has the following settings:

See also...

TimeSlider Module

Time Sliders