Look and Feel

The Look and Feel page in Manager has settings that control the appearance of:

Open the Look and Feel Page

To open an HTML5 viewer's Look and Feel page in Manager:

  1. In Geocortex Essentials Manager, edit the viewer that you want to configure—edit the site that the viewer belongs to, click Viewers in the side panel, and then click the Edit icon beside the viewer.

  2. In the side panel, click Look and Feel.

    The Look and Feel page opens.

Browser Settings

Banner Settings

In the Desktop and Tablet interfaces, the banner is the area at the top of the viewer that optionally contains the title and logo. The Handheld interface does not have a banner.

Highlight Settings

Change the color of features on the map that the user has selected or identified.

The highlight settings in the site take precedence over these settings.

Highlight Modes

Highlight modes control how the highlighting of features on the map is related to features in the Results List.

Data Frame Settings

Only the Desktop and Tablet interfaces have a Data Frame—the Handheld interface does not have a Data Frame.

Bottom Panel Settings

Results List Settings

See also...

Feature Details

Map Tips Settings

See also...

MapTips Module

Feature Details

Map Tips

Feature Details Settings

See also...

Feature Details

Results Views Settings