UploadData Module

The UploadData module implements the ability for users to upload files containing spatial or address data to the Geocortex Core Document Store. Once uploaded, the data is served as a new feature layer. If the uploaded data is published to ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS, the data can be queried and filtered. The user can interact with the data as they could any other feature layer.

The user who uploaded the data is the only user who can view it, and when the user's session ends the data is removed from the map. In this case, the data is automatically deleted from the Document Store in one hour. However, the following methods enable users to share data across sessions:

The UploadData Module is not available in offline mode.

The UploadData functionality is not available to iOS users because of file system security policies that limit access to files and directories.

Add and Remove Uploaded Data

Data files with spatial or address data can be uploaded by users via the Upload Data tool. The Upload Data tool is configured from the Toolbars page in Manager. See Toolbar for instructions.

Upload Data tool

Add a User-Added Layer

A wizard guides users through the upload process. The dialog boxes appear in the following order:

  1. The Add Data to Map upload form.

    The user browses their file system for files to upload.

    The UploadData module only supports multiple simultaneous uploads for shapefiles. When a single shapefile is uploaded, the upload dialog box will allow users to name the layer. When more than one shapefile is uploaded at once, the layers are named: <name>, <name> (0), <name> (1), and so on.

  2. The Table Mapping Details dialog box.

    If the user uploaded a XLSX or CSV file, they must identify the uploaded data's geographical information. For more information, see Table Mapping Details.

  3. The Layer Details dialog box.

    The user creates a name for the new layer.

  4. The Table Record Results dialog box.

    The viewer alerts the user whether each table record passed or failed.

  5. The Symbolize Data dialog box.

    The user modifies how the new layer is represented on the map. The user can choose the color, size, and shape of the layer's symbols. For more information, see Symbolize Data.

The user-added layer appears at the top of the layer list, unless you have specified that user-added layers should appear within a configured folder. For more information, see The Layer List.

To remove a user-added layer, the user presses the Layer Actions button next to the user-added layer and clicks the Remove Layer action.

Save the Data in a Project

Projects allow users to save viewer sessions, share the sessions, and reload them later. A user can save uploaded data and load it in another session saving their session using the Projects panel. For more information about this feature, see Project Module.

Publish Data to ArcGIS Server or Portal for ArcGIS

The user can choose to publish the uploaded data to their ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS account if they are logged in. If the user has not been granted publishing privileges in ArcGIS Online or Portal, the user's data cannot be published. The data is published as a feature service. When the data is published, it is also stored in the user's content.

In order to publish, the URL to the user's ArcGIS account must be registered in the proxy.config whitelist:

<serverUrl url="https://organization.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/" matchAll="true"></serverUrl>

Where organization is the configured ArcGIS Online organization name.

For information about publishing to ArcGIS, see ExportWebMap Module.

User-Added Layers in the Layer List

By default, user-added layers appear at the top of the layer list once added. From Manager, you can choose where your uploaded data appears in the Layer List.

To configure where user-added layers appear in the Layer List:

  1. From the Map page in Manager, select the Layer List tab.

  2. Select the Edit icon next the folder where user-added layers should appear.

  3. Select the Place user-added layers here checkbox .

  4. Click Apply Details.

Supported File Formats

Uploaded data files require either spatial coordinates or address data. While some supported file formats include spatial data by default, CSV and XLSX files require columns in their data tables specifically for spatial coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) or address data.

The UploadData module supports uploads in the following file formats:

The file size limit for uploaded files defaults to 20 MB. You can configure a custom file size limit in the Essentials Web.config file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Essentials\Default\REST Elements\REST\Web.config

Change the File Size Limit for Uploaded Data

To change the file size limit for uploaded data:

  1. Search for the string maxAllowedContentLength. It is embedded in the following line of XML:

    <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="20971520" />
  2. Configure the value of maxAllowedContentLength in bytes.

  3. Search for the string maxRequestLength. It is embedded in the following line of XML:

    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="20480" requestValidationMode="2.0" enableVersionHeader="false" />
  4. Configure the value for maxRequestLength in kilobytes.

    This value should be equal to the value of maxAllowedContentLength.

Table Mapping Details

The Table Mapping Details dialog box allows users to instruct Essentials how to parse uploaded data correctly. If the user uploaded a XLSX or CSV file, this dialog box also displays a preview of the user's uploaded data for reference.

If the table's first row is a label, Essentials will attempt to detect the X axis and Y axis for the uploaded data.

If the table's first row is not a label or the table does not include spatial coordinates, the user can choose which columns to be used for feature locations and labels.

Table Mapping Details dialog box

Automatically Detect Column Headers

When a user uploads data, Essentials needs to know which column contains the X Axis Coordinates, which column contains the Y Axis Coordinates, and so on. The software looks for commonly used headers in the data. For example, to find X Axis Coordinates, the software looks for columns called Latitude, Lat, or x. If it finds one, then the software gets the X coordinates from that column.

You can configure additional column headers for Essentials to look for using the autoDetectionTerms properties. For information, see Configuration Properties.

Configure a Batch Geocoder

If uploaded CSV or XLSX data files do not provide spatial coordinates, address data needs to be geocoded using an ArcGIS Online geocoding service. If none of your enabled geocoding services have the Default Batch Geocoder checkbox selected in their settings, Essentials cycles through your enabled geocoding services until it finds the first ArcGIS Online service listed.

All the parameters in your geocoding service's configuration are selectable in the Table Mapping Details dialog box. Once the user has selected columns to match parameters, the value is used to batch geocode the uploaded data. If the user does not select a column to match with a parameter, a parameter's default value is used.

For instructions on configuring an ArcGIS geocoding service, a default geocoding service, and default values for parameters, see Geocoding Services.

Symbolize Data

Users can symbolize layers created from uploaded data files. Symbols are chosen during the during the file upload process. If an uploaded file includes multiple layers, like a FileGDB or KML, then symbols can be chosen for each layer.

Symbolize Data dialog box

End users can re-symbolize user-added layers on the map. To re-symbolize the layer, select the Layer Actions icon next to the layer in the layer list and choose Turn on/off layer visualizations. Then, you can use the Custom Layer Styles option to re-symbolize the layer.

For more information about symbolization in the viewer, see LayerStyles Module.

Data Visualization Options

Users can visualize user-added feature layers with multiple point features as heat maps or clusters. For information about heat maps and feature clustering, see Heat Maps and Clustering.

To turn on visualization, use the Layer Actions icon next to a user-added layer, then select Turn on/off layer visualizations and choose either Heat Map or Feature Clustering from the drop-down menu. When visualization is turned on, the user is presented with some visualization options.

The visualization options for heat maps include:

The visualization options for feature clustering includes:

Configuration Properties



View Models

