Translate the App on iOS

The Geocortex Mobile App Framework supports translation using the normal translation procedure for Geocortex HTML5 viewers, outlined in About Translating UI Text.

The translated version of a viewer is contained in a locale file. Each locale file contains all the words for the user interface in a particular language. The language is specified in the file name using a language code. The general form of the file name is:

gcxLang-[language code]-[country code].json

For example, a locale file for Canadian English would be called gcxLang-en-ca.json.

The [language code] is a language code from the ISO 639-1 standard. The [country code] is a country code from the ISO 3166-1 standard.

Locale files are loaded into the App using a resource URI. After you have created a locale file in the desired language, you make the locale file's URI available to end users. You can send the URI in an email, add it to a button or a link on a website, or use any other method to make the link available. The end user taps the link to download the file.

To use the locale file, the user sets the device's locale to the language of translation. The next time the App starts, it checks the device's locale setting, and then searches the downloaded content for a matching locale file. For example, if the device's locale is set to Fr-fr, the App searches for a file called gcxLang-fr-fr.json. If it finds a matching locale file, the App opens in the language of translation. If the App does not find a matching locale file, it opens in the default language, English.

The installation package's IPA file contains a sample locale file here:


See also...

Create and Deploy Additional Resources