Advanced AOPConfiguration

When you create a new AOP application, it is pre-configured and ready to use. You can adjust many of the configuration settings in Geocortex Essentials Manager.

However, your AOP application also contains a few small custom modules implemented and integrated using the standard mechanisms available to Geocortex customers. You can configure these in the Viewer configuration files:

You need to ensure that any changes are made to all three configuration files. The default installed location for these files is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Essentials\Default\REST Elements\Sites\AOP\Viewers\AOP_Viewer\VirtualDirectory\Resources\Config\Default

In the path above \AOP\ refers to the name of the Site, so it is likely to be different for each Essentials Site.

Some of the configuration tasks that you can set up in the Viewer Configuration files include the following: 

  1. Add an Icon Image Library.
  2. Add a Collaboration Channel.
  3. Auto Join a Collaboration Channel.
  4. Add an Alert to a Collaboration Channel.
  5. Exclude a Collaboration Channel from AAP.
  6. Configure Social Media Workflows.
  7. Add an Open View Link to the Context Menu
  8. Set the Maximum Photo Size for Field Photos
  9. Find the ID of a Collaboration Channel

Add an Icon Image Library

AOP ships with a default library of images that contain the most common icons used to label items on the map. However, it is possible to add your own images to AOP that represent your organization’s own icons.

Icons in the Incident Response Library

The default installed location for the point image libraries that ship with AOP is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Essentials\Default\REST Elements\Sites\Resources\Symbols\image\

Each file in this folder represents a library of images. The AOP image library file is called Incident Response.json.

Within the library file, each image is represented as a named entry , for example:

 "imageData" : "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",
     "height" : 42,
     "xoffset" : 0,
     "yoffset" : 0,
     "width" : 42,
     "name" : "EMS First Responders",
     "contentType" : "image/png",
     "type" : "esriPMS",
     "angle" : 0,
     "url" : ""

Configure Image Libraries

The order of these image entries in the file determines the order of the items in the preview panel and in the application, which means that you can rearrange the order of the images displayed to the order you prefer.

You can also edit which libraries are seen and in what order in the .json.js configuration files. The order they are listed is the order they will appear in the application.

For example:

    "id": "PictureSymbolWidget",
    "type": "geocortex.essentialsHtmlViewer.mapping.infrastructure.symbology.PictureSymbolWidget",
    "markup": "Mapping/infrastructure/symbology/widgets/PictureSymbolWidget.html",
    "viewModelType": "geocortex.essentialsHtmlViewer.mapping.infrastructure.symbology.PictureSymbolWidgetViewModel",
    "libraryId": "Mapping.Infrastructure",
    "configuration": {
    "imageLibraries": [
        "Incident Response",
    "imageSize": {
        "min": 16,
        "max": 64,
        "value": 32,
        "step": 1

Optimize Your Images

Encoded images can be used to optimize load times. The advantage of encoding is that there is no need to open another connection and make an HTTP request to the server for the image. The benefit is lost very quickly so it is only an advantage if you plan to use large numbers of icons. If you wish to encode your images, you can use one of many free web-based tools, for example,

Add a Collaboration Channel

You can add a collaboration channel in the AOP application on the Collaboration tab. See Collaboration in the Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 Installation documentation for more information about Collaboration.

To add a collaboration channel:

  1. At the bottom of the side panel, click the Collaboration icon to open the Collaboration tab.

  2. At the top of the side panel, click the down arrow on the Join a Channel drop-down list.

  3. Click Create a Channel.

  4. In the Name field, type a display name for this channel and then select a color to represent it in the slider of the Channel list and on messages.

  5. Select the Groups or Individuals that you want to participate in the channel and then click Add.

  6. Grant the user or group permissions from the selection of None, View, Edit or Admin.

  7. Click Save.

The terms "Room" and "Channel" refer to the same feature in AOP. In Geocortex Essentials and in the code, they are usually referred to as collaboration "rooms". In the AOP application, they are referred to as collaboration "channels".

Auto-Join a Collaboration Channel

By default, when you launch AOP, the application is configured so you auto-join all users to the out-of-the-box collaboration channels ALERTS, INFO, COMMON VIEW, FIELD PHOTOS, CHECK INS. If you add your own collaboration rooms, you can configure AOP to auto-join them as well. Once you have added the channel in the AOP application, it appears in Geocortex Essentials for you to select.

To add a new channel to the to the auto-join list:

  1. Log into Geocortex Essentials Manager.

  2. Click your AOP site to edit it.

  3. In the Site panel, click Viewers .

  4. Click beside your AOP viewer.

  5. In the Viewer for HTML5 side panel, click Collaboration.

  6. In the Specify the rooms to automatically join box, click inside the box and then select the new channel you want to join automatically.
  7. Click Apply Changes, and then Save Site.

Add an Alert to a Collaboration Channel

By default, AOP is configured to monitor the out-of-the-box ALERTS collaboration channel and to generate alerts when new events arrive. You can extend this ability to monitor additional collaboration channels for alerts. You add this information directly in the Desktop.json.js, Tablet,json.js, and Handheld.json.js configuration files.

To add an alert you find the collaboration channel ID in Geocortex Essentials Manager.

To add the ID another channel to the configuration files:

  1. Open the configuration file in a text editor, for example, Notepad ++.
  2. Search for NotificationsViewModel.
  3. In the "alertsRoomIds":[, paste the ID of the collaboration channel you want to receive alerts.

    "viewModels": [
                "id": "NotificationsViewModel",
                "require": "AOP/AOP/NotificationsViewModel",
                "configuration": {
                "alertsRoomIds": [

Exclude a Collaboration Channel from AAP

When you are in After Action Playback (AAP) and you select a collaboration channel, the application calculates the earliest and latest relevant events and then it updates your time slider with this information. Some collaboration channels like ALERTS or COMMON VIEW have large date ranges, which means that there is a lot of data to parse.

To ensure that you can view the content of important channels for playback and focus on the time extent of your incident, rooms are configured to be ignored in this calculation. By default, all the out-of-the-box rooms - ALERTS, INFO, COMMON VIEW, FIELD PHOTOS, CHECK INS- are excluded. If you have another reference channel you wish to be excluded from this calculation, you can do so by adding the collaboration channel ID to the timeExtentExcludeRooms list.

To exclude a channel from AAP, you need to find the collaboration channel ID in Geocortex Essentials Manager.

To exclude a channel from AAP:

  1. Open the configuration file in a text editor, for example, Notepad ++.
  2. Search for timeExtentExcludeRooms.
  3. In the "timeExtentExcludeRooms": [, paste the ID of the collaboration channel you want to receive alerts.

    "id": "AfterActionViewModel",
             "type": "geocortex.essentialsHtmlViewer.mapping.modules.collaboration.AfterActionViewModel",
             "require": "Mapping/modules/Collaboration/Views/AfterAction/AfterActionViewModel",
             "configuration": {
                 "applicationId": "AOP2",
                 "timeExtentExcludeRooms": [

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Documentation Version 2.0